289 799 9585

Greater Hamilton Area

Chevrolet Aveo Lost Keys – Hamilton Locksmith

Have you lost all your car keys for your Chevrolet Aveo? Did you attempt to start the car with a blank metal key and the vehicle did not start wondering why? Maybe a starter? Or Battery? Actually no, the reason is because most vehicles above 2000 are equipped with an immobilizer system that requires a programmed key to start the car in order for the module to recognize the key and allow the vehicle to continue running.

Auto Key Pro have the tools and expertise on site to be able to laser cut and program a new key from VIN in less than an hour. We specialize in car keys and because of our local shop, have 95% of inventory in stock to be able to service same day.

Chevrolet Aveo are one of the vehicles that are tricky to deal with if you do not have the appropriate key or tool to program the key.

Auto Key Pro is a local Car Hamilton Locksmith company specializing in automotive/car key and remote, servicing the Burlington, Ancaster, Stoney Creek area. We offer mobile service for lost car keys situations and pop the lock for vehicle unlocks. We also specialize in refurbishing key fobs, cracked shells, keys replacements, remote refurbish, broken keys from shells. In addition, if you have any remotes, Key FOB, remote transmitters, Smart keys, prox/proximity keys electronics that do not work, we have the experts in house that can attempt to repair them. We try out best to save customer money as that’s a win win situation.
To visit your local Car Hamilton Locksmith, you can pass by our store at 961 Main St E in Hamilton. Intersection of Main St E and Gage Ave.

Auto Key Pro Team

Hamilton Car Locksmith



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  • NOTE:

    For key pricing inquiries, please use the Make-Model-Year search on website top header; if your vehicle is not found, please proceed with this form.